frequent questions

How to give volume to lips naturally?

With simple routine steps you can achieve more voluptuous lips:
Exfoliate your lips
Use soft and nude lipsticks
Use eyeliner on the outer contour of your lips.
Apply gloss to the center of the lips
Exercise your lips by blowing kisses

What to do to have healthy lips free of cracks?

Moisturize and take care of them, apply a lip balm in the morning and at night. You can also use aloe vera, since it is a super moisturizer, so it is an excellent option to make your lips look healthy.

Cucumber or cucumber is recommended to relieve lip problems, you can place thin wheels, it will relieve and moisturize.

Avoid contact with saliva if your lips have cracks, avoid biting or licking them, as this will increase dryness, apply vitamin E, Vitamin C or Cocoa Butter.

Why should lips be protected from sun exposure?

The skin of the lips contains very low levels of melanin, which is responsible for naturally avoiding burns due to exposure to sunlight. That is why it is advisable to apply cosmetics that contain a sun protection factor (SPF) if they are exposed directly to the sun.

What to do to have perfect lip makeup?

The first thing is to prepare the skin of the lips to receive the makeup. If your lips are dry or cracked and you put makeup on them, far from looking beautiful, the dryness will be more noticeable. That's why the recommendation is to periodically exfoliate your lips, at least twice a week, and don't forget to use balm daily, at least when you go to bed, so that they stay hydrated.

Is it necessary to use lip liner every time you wear lipstick?

It is not necessary at all, it depends on each person's taste. However, the use of lip liner gives greater definition to the lips, also because it is used to create the effect of thicker lips through different lip makeup techniques with liner.

How to avoid dry lips?

It is necessary to keep them hydrated. The lips can be hydrated internally through the consumption of liquids, especially water, at least 8 glasses of water a day, and externally using balms that help preserve their moisture and softness. Vitamin E and C are super effective in avoiding dry lips. It is also recommended to exfoliate your lips at least twice a week, to prevent dead cells from dulling them.

Do lips need special care?

The skin of the lips is extremely thin and sensitive, to keep it looking healthy and protect it from external agents, specific lip care products must be used. Hydration both internally and externally plays a fundamental and indispensable role. The variation in temperature to which the lips are exposed, especially the cold of winter, can dry them quickly, even in summer when exposed to air conditioning. Wind and sun exposure also directly affect the lips.

Can the use of lip cosmetics create dependency or addiction?

Not at all, however, it is pleasant that when taking care of the lips they are more pink and hydrated, which encourages us to continue taking care of them, and avoid the discomfort caused by external factors such as cold and wind.

matte liquid lips